Rates & Policies


Lessons are purchased in monthly packages as outlined below.


Online or At-My-Home Rates
At my home in Brooklyn Heights, or synchronous virtual lessons via Zoom

30 min - $45/lesson

45 min - $60/lesson

60 min - $80/lesson

At-Your-Home Rates (Must Contact for Availability)
Added travel fee may be adjusted depending on location.

30 min - $55/lesson

45 min - $70/lesson

60 min - $90/lesson


If you are interested in lessons but held back by financial circumstance, feel free to reach out to me so we can discuss options.

Studio Guidelines

All students/families will be expected to sign an agreement to the studio guidelines upon first lesson.

What To Expect: A typical lesson will begin with a short warm-up. I encourage my students to come with their own goals, and I am happy to structure lessons based upon achieving them! If those goals are not yet clear, we can develop some together. My students study technical and tonal exercises along with repertoire. I will guide each student in choosing pieces that are at their level and will motivate them to head to the practice room. We can explore solos (and duets if in-person), and we can also study chamber music if the student chooses. If the student is preparing music for school, an audition, or an event, they can choose to use their lesson as extra help for that, or they can explore other repertoire. I also have ample experience assisting students who have competitive goals.

Sometimes, my students further personalize their lesson structure. In-depth ear training and playing by ear are great topics to include depending on student goals; several of my students enjoy learning how to transcribe and play along with their favorite songs! If seeking online lessons, please feel free to ask me any questions concerning equipment and online lesson setup, as I am happy to advise on what is most efficient! However, this can be an investment, so nothing fancy is needed to begin lessons (see “Materials”).

Materials: Students must be sure to bring their own clarinet, complete with mouthpiece and reeds, to every lesson. For online lessons, a student should aim to have a device with a stable internet connection; lessons generally take place over Zoom. Music can be provided by the student or teacher; all materials requested by me will be kept free or cost-effective. All students will be given a personal Google folder which will be updated regularly with lesson notes, what to practice, and any music discussed during lessons; they should be prepared to check this weekly.

Payment: Payment for lesson packages is required before the start time of the lesson, unless otherwise agreed upon independently. If lesson payment becomes more than five (8) days overdue, the student will be charged a 5% late fee, and lessons will be paused until the owed payment is made. I accept payment via cheque, Zelle/Chase QuickPay, Paypal, Venmo, and cash.

Late Arrivals and Cancellations: I cannot guarantee an extension of a lesson if the student arrives late for any reason. If I arrive late, I will owe the student the time I missed, and it will be added to future lessons. Lessons must be cancelled at least 24 hours in advance in order to reschedule with no penalty; if less than 24 hours notice is given, the student must still pay for the cancelled lesson in full (this includes the case of a student forgetting their instrument on the lesson day). If a student cancels the lesson with prior notice, the lesson can be rescheduled for a time agreed upon by both of us. If I cancel with less than 24 hours of advance notice, I will owe you a free lesson. Exceptions for both student and teacher will be made for situations beyond one's control, such as an emergency or sudden illness, on a case-by-case basis.

Book your first lesson today!


Not sure how long to book for?

Lesson times can vary depending on age, goals, and time commitment (ie. how much time you have to practice outside of the lesson!) Here are a few of my recommendations for players of all ages and levels! Feel free to reach out with any questions - I am happy to discuss appropriate length in more detail based on personal circumstance.


Elementary School Students
Beginner - 30 min
Intermediate - 30 OR 45 min (2+ years prior study)

Middle School Students
Beginner - 45 min
Intermediate - 45 min
Advanced - 45 min OR 60 min


High School Students/Adults
Beginner - 45 min
Intermediate/Advanced - 60 min